Hey there, lovers of rum! Wondering about the current price of Old Monk in UP? Let me provide you with the price of Old Monk in UP for all its volumes and variants.
Old Monk is consumed all over India. For residents of UP wondering how much Old Monk is sold around them, let me provide you with the latest price. It is important to note that prices differ based on volume and, sometimes, variants.
Here’s a tabular representation of Old Monk’s price in UP:
Old Monk price in UP
Brand Name | Volume | Price |
Old Monk rum Price In UP | 60ml | Rs.150/- |
Old Monk rum Price In UP | 90ml | Rs. 170/- |
Old Monk rum Price In UP | 180ml | Rs. 240/- |
Old Monk Price In UP | 375ml | Rs. 360/- |
Old Monk Price In UP | 750ml | Rs. 620/- |
Old Monk Price In UP | 1000ml | Rs. 830/- |
About Old Monk Rum
Old Monk is a rum brand that was introduced and produced by Mohan Meaklin in 1954. It comes with an alcohol percentage of 142.108%. Old Monk has a dark brown color and is made from ingredients like sugarcane molasses and oak. Old Monk presents you with an oak hint aroma leaving your palate to want a taste.
Rum Brand Name | Old Monk |
Alcohol Percentage | 142.108% |
Origin country | India |
Produced by | Mohan Meakin |
Establishment Year | 2054 |
Color | Dark black |
Ingredients | Sugarcane molasses, Oak |
Aroma | Oak hint |

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