Hi there! Do you wish to know the price of After Dark Whisky in Kerela? Stay with me while I provide you with the latest and most updated price of After Dark Whisky in Kerela. After Dark Whisky is one popular whisky brand in India. Prices tend to differ based on volumes and variants, so let’s provide you with the prices.
Brief about After Dark Whisky
Produced by Radico Khaitan in 2011 in India, After Dark Whisky comes in warmly dark black with an alcohol percentage of 142.108%. A unique whisky taste for remarkable lovers of whisky.
Whisky Brand Name | After Dark Whisky |
Alcohol Percentage | 142.108% |
Origin country | India |
Produced by | Radico Khaitan |
Establishment Year | 2011 |
Color | Dark black |
After Dark Whisky Price in Kerala
Whisky Brand Name | Volume in ml | Price |
After Dark Whisky | 180ml | Rs.420/- |
After Dark Whisky | 375ml | Rs.750/- |
After Dark Whisky | 750ml | Rs.1390/- |

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