Here is a tabular representation of the price of Royal Stag in Punjab:
Royal Stag Price in Punjab
Brand Name | Volume | Price |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Deluxe Whisky] | 180ml | Rs.200/- |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Deluxe Whisky] | 375ml | Rs.290/- |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Deluxe Whisky] | 750ml | Rs.460/- |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Barrel Select Whisky] | 180ml | Rs.220/- |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Barrel Select Whisky] | 375ml | Rs.320/- |
Royal Stag price in Punjab [Barrel Select Whisky] | 750ml | Rs.520/- |
About Royal Stag Whisky
Royal Stag is one of the most famous whiskies in India. Produced in India by Pernod Richard in 1995, Royal Stag has an alcohol percentage of 140%. Royal Stag comes in a dark brown appearance. It has a smooth, rich, and bold taste that lasts long in memory.
Here is a tabular representation of its details:
Whisky Brand name | Royal Stag whisky |
Alcohol Percentage | 143% and 140% |
Origin of Country | India |
Manufacturer | Pernod Richard |
Introduced in Year | 1995 |

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